Saturday, January 27, 2007

Pengangkutan Awam

While most have to contend with this...

Others get this...

Cemerlang, gemilang, terbilang.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Taken the toll

This whole toll hike issue is gonna be good and bad for us.

Why good?
  • it proves how corrupt the Government is
  • it proves how incompetent the Government is
  • it proves how evil and heartless the Government and Crony Capitalists are
  • driving is still relatively cheap, compared to the amount of environmental damage it cost
Why bad?
  • toll rates are going up, not to fix the price distortion, but rather to line the pockets of Umnoputras and greedy Chinese towkays
  • public transport still SUCKS, so what kind of alternative is there?
In the spirit of Najib-ian philosophy, we should all change our lifestyle.

Sign the petition. (not that Kerajaan BN is going to read/care about it anyways)